Note, 113
The Secret Hideout (~Oct,31) TAXI / LIST
Panic of Pumpkin in Okinawa TAXI
DRESS] *{( konpeitou )}* doll-hands kimono dress The Secret Hideout
BONNET] *{( konpeitou )}* / doll-hands bonnet The Nightmare
BLOOMERS] *{( konpeitou )}* / sweetie gacha - sweetie - 4 - bloomers Gacha
LEGWARM] =Zenith= / Vintage Lace Legwarm(all colors) -Maitreya
HAIR] *PH* / 8152 [HUD] ice
PIERCED] :::c*C*c::: / Haloween GACHA piaces 12 Panic of Pumpkin in Okinawa Gacha
The Secret Hideoutイベントに出品中の*{( konpeitou )}*さんのドレスです☆彡
The Nightmareイベントで購入できるボンネットとお揃いです♪
PIERCED] :::c*C*c::: / Haloween GACHA piaces 12 / 02Panic of Pumpkin in Okinawa Gacha
DRESS] *{( konpeitou )}* doll-hands kimono dress The Secret Hideout
HAIR] *barberyumyum* / 86
Panic of Pumpkin in Okinawaイベントに出品中の